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Neurodevelopment Research Symposium

Symposium 2022

Fostering collaboration and enhancing education for early-stage trainees

collage of DNA, neurons, and brain circuitry digital art with a image of a baby's face

We foster collaboration among Virginia Tech scientists and enhance the education and training of early-stage trainees.

We strive for a national presence in neurodevelopmental research.

We leverage the strength of our scientists who research spans regulation of gene expression through human translational  in health and disease.

Our goals are to better understand brain development and implement early intervention strategies for those with neurodevelopment disorders.

Topics from previous symposium

artistic rendering of a brain hemisphere

The impact of environment and genetics on brain development

Autism Awareness Idea

Connectivity in the Developing Brain

profile illustration of a head with section of colors on a crumpled paper texture

Influencing Behavior