Our Impact

Leveraging our strength as VT scientists who focus on neurodevelopment studies
Funding & Grants
Seed Funding for Doctoral Scholars
Funding for PhD graduate students performing neurodevelopment research in the Spring or Summer of 2023.
- Any doctoral scholar performing dissertation research (year 2-year 5) in an Alliance affiliated laboratory
- Research should be directly related to neurodevelopment. Preference will be given to those applications forging interdisciplinary collaborations across two Alliance
- laboratories.
- Funding can be requested to support Spring 2023 stipend + tuition or summer 2023 stipend support. Up to 6 awards will be funded in total.
Applications are closed for Spring and Summer 2023.
Travel Fellowship
Program Overview:
- Any doctoral scholar performing dissertation research (year 2-year 5) in an Alliance affiliated laboratory.
- Research should be directly related to neurodevelopment.
- Up to $750 to cover meeting expenses (registration, flight, hotel).
- Application accepted on a rolling basis through March 31, 2023.
Complete the Google Form application.
Items to upload:
- Abstract Title and Authors
- Abstract
- An updated applicant CV
- A letter of endorsement from the dissertation mentor
Seed Funding Awards
- Ya-Yun Chen: Psychology- How parent child neural similarity interacts with the neurobiological development of emotional adaptation, aggression and prosociality during adolescence
- Megan Fok: Psychology- Measuring autonomic correlates of emotion regulation in autistic adults
- Taylor Fosset: Biological Sciences- The effect of early life nutrition in the NPY system and its role in regulating aggression in adulthood
- Xiaoran Wei: School of Neuroscience- Mechanism and Function of TrkB.T1 in astrocyte expression